4-H Alerts

Celebrate National 4-H Week!

National 4-H Week will be held October 6-12, 2019.Join over 6 million young people, 500,000 volunteers and 3,500 4-H professionals in celebrating America’s largest youth organization during National 4-H Week held October 6-12. Everyone, including youth, parents, alumni, volunteers, and professionals are invited to join in on this nationwide celebra Continue reading…


Farm Credit Services of America’s Working Here Fund

The Farm Credit Services of America’s Working Here Fund provides opportunities for organizations to apply for community grants to fund projects that make a positive, long-term impact in the areas of Ag Education, Rural Disaster Relief, Young and Beginning Producer Programs, and Hunger and Nutrition. Continue reading…


Web Update

Weekly web updates include a list of webpages with recent content updates or significant revisions or newly published webpages.
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Originally published September 30, 2019 - Submit an Item