We hope all of you have taken the opportunity to view the March 12th Chat with Chuck addressing the University’s response to the rapidly COVID-19 situation. We thank you for your continued patience and support as we listen to our public health officials and educational partners, and determine the best way to continue serving young people during this time.
For updates on Nebraska 4-H and the University of Nebraska- Lincoln’s evolving position on COVID-19, please visit https://covid19.unl.edu. We have also added a message to the 4-H page with messaging you can share with stakeholders and updates on state level events (https://4h.unl.edu/covid-19). We will communicate decisions about Nebraska 4-H state-level programs on this page; if you want to add events or see some that are missing, let us know. Please check back regularly as this is a developing situation and in the coming days, weeks, and months we will know more about the local implications of COVID-19.
We also want to recap some of the information Chuck shared with some specific notes for 4-H programming. Please continue to reach out for clarification, we are all adapting together and know there are many questions yet to answer.
Extension events:
Cancel all Extension teaching events from March 16-29 or offer them remotely.
1) No in-person 4-H programming during this time. This includes school enrichment, competitive events, clubs, etc. NOTE: This is a change since the Thursday Chat with Chuck. Based on comments from several of you, it was becoming a challenge to be consistent with decisions around club meetings and it was getting moved into events/club sponsored competitions/etc. Some of these were quite large and involved multiple counties and even other states. Hence, this is a change in what was previously recommended, If you or your clubs have questions, call me.
2) From March 30 – May 9, all Extension and 4-H programming should be taught remotely.
No in-person 4-H programming during this time. This includes school enrichment, competitive events, clubs, etc.
o School enrichment must be cancelled or offered remotely, materials can be delivered to schools.
o All local contests and clinics (judging, speech, etc.) should be cancelled unless remote options are available.
o No tagging or weigh-in dates can be hosted, families will be responsible for their own tagging and DNA collection.
o Any out-of-state events/travel prior to May 9 should be cancelled or postponed.
o CWF plans should be maintained, we don’t recommend cancelling any existing reservations; however, we would also recommend holding on making additional reservations at this time.
o There are conversations at the national level that will also influence these decisions, we will let you know more as that information becomes available.
Partner events hosted after March 30 – use your best judgement, if you can participate virtually that is encouraged.
Plan for summer events as normal, we will make determinations on summer events one month in advance and then continue to monitor the situation up to the event.
All Extension planning meetings and professional development events will be held via zoom through May 9th.
Extension offices are still open for clients to come in, but practice good social distancing and use of sanitizers.
Working from home will require the approval of your supervisor.
Should you have an indication that a person has tested positive for COVID - 19 that has attended your event, contact your local Health Department immediately. In addition, please let your supervisor know.
Again, thank you for your patience and for the important role you serve in providing local clientele relevant and reliable information in these uncertain times. Encourage common sense informed by CDC recommendations, practice social distancing (6 ft) and enhanced public health and hygiene measures and stay calm, use science, be smart and carry on!