2020 Registered Judges List

In February, the individuals on the 2020 Registered Judges List were asked to complete the new 4-H Activity Application including verification of UNL Worker Guidelines and signing the 4-H Code of Conduct by March 15. Completion of this process is required for them to serve as a judge at any county fair. We have reviewed the completions and decided to mark those that have completed the process and are eligible in green. You can review the list here: https://4h.unl.edu/employee/judges-management.

Those that have not completed the required screening are marked in red. We opted to leave them on the list at this time so you are aware of their interest. If you do opt to engage anyone marked in red, you will be responsible for ensuring they complete an Indirect Volunteer Activity Application https://4h.unl.edu/employee/volunteer-application. If you do so, please send a copy of the completed form to Nebraska4h@unl.edu and we will update the list.

In the future, the Indirect 4-H Activity Application will be a required and automatic step in the registration process. We appreciate your patience as we worked through the process for 2020.

Questions? Contact Jill Lingard (jlingard@unl.edu) or Danielle Dewees (ddewees@unl.edu).