4-H Virtual Judging/Showcase

Thanks for the great participation and feedback on the Virtual Judging/Showcase webinar. We appreciate your comments and feedback as we build this out.

Here is the link to the recording and ppt slides: https://unl.box.com/s/limb4k1bnqkv4dwqvdkr2bo57b5wxaa8

Here is the link to the website that will have up-to-date information and your ideas:

We will also be adding an FAQ tab to that page. If you have questions, send them to: nebraska4h@unl.edu. We will get them routed to the right team members, get the info back to you, and post so others can learn.

You will be seeing more information about upcoming webinars more specific to each of the areas (livestock, static, platforms, etc.). As always, let us know of your questions and what we’re missing. Thanks to all! Kathleen