![special agronomy promo](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file145609.png)
For youth to participate in 2021, they will need to enroll in any level of a field crops project in 4-H Online and let the extension office know if they’d like to participate. The Nebraska Extension Special Agronomy Project gives 4-H members an opportunity to experience a crop that is grown, was grown or has the potential to be grown in Nebraska. Youth participate by receiving seed and resources to grow the crop, research traits of the crop and determine the viability of that crop in the part of the state they live. The project allows 4-H members interested in agronomy to grow something fun, new, and different.
To kick-off the inaugural year of the special agronomy project, youth will explore teosinte. The plant looks and is very similar to corn, in fact it is believed to be the wild ancestor of today's corn!
For youth to participate:
Enroll for the 2021 Special Agronomy Project by enrolling in any of the Field Crop Project levels through 4-H Online.
Contact your local Nebraska Extension Office and let them know how many seed packets you need. If you do not contact your local Extension Office, seeds might not be available for you. The county office will order seeds as a county unit then distribute them to the members.
Seeds will be sent to the County Extension Offices. Pick seeds up from your local county Extension office when the county tells you the seeds are available (should be around March or April).
4-H members enrolled in the Special Agronomy Project will:
· Receive a ‘packet’ of teosinte seeds (one packet per youth) in March/April
· Grow their seeds in their garden or pots
· Receive written resource materials AND virtual, live or recorded videos/field trips
· Be eligible to enter an exhibit at both the County and/or State Fair in the agronomy project area:
o G750011 - Special Agronomy Project - Educational Exhibit (SF259)
o G750012 Special Agronomy Project -Video Presentation
o G750013 Special Agronomy Project (Freshly Harvested Crop)
Enroll for the 2021 Special Agronomy Project through 4-H Online by enrolling in ANY level of the field crop project area and contact your local Nebraska Extension Office to order packets of seeds. The local Extension Office will order and distribute the seeds.
The county office will order seeds as a county unit then distribute them to the members. Order by clicking on this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=rQHb_YNJbkOrNRrwQ7gYyYa3bofvnG5Hh6iT6FiGW9xURjA1MU9PVkExMjg3Q0JaWlE5MDhYTlNVRyQlQCN0PWcu
Seeds will be sent to the County Extension Offices. Pick seeds up from your local county Extension office when the county tells you the seeds are available (should be around March or April).
Contact Brandy VanDeWalle at brandy.vandewalle@unl.edu or 402.759.3712 or Aaron Nygren at anygren2@unl.edu or 402.352.3821
More details at: https://cropwatch.unl.edu/cropwatch-youth