Governor's Agricultural Excellence Awards-DEADLINE EXTENDED

We are extending the deadline to apply for the Governor’s Agricultural Excellence Awards for 2021. Please encourage your clubs to consider applying for a grant to assist with completing a project that will have a lasting impact on your community or program. The application form is linked on the Nebraska 4-H Foundation website: We will accept applications through April 1st, 2021.

Nebraska 4-H Foundation’s Governor’s Agricultural Excellence Awards sponsored by the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA) is a prestigious award designed to recognize 4-H clubs for their efforts to serve their communities. This grant is intended to provide funding for 4-H Clubs to complete projects that will have a lasting impact on their communities. Projects should be intentional and impactful, growing club members as leaders and fulfilling a need in their community.

Recognition is in the form of a $500 check issued to the club’s treasury to be used as described in the award application form completed by the club.

Examples of fundable programs include mentorship programs, intergenerational programs, attending educational experiences, hosting workshops/educational events and service-learning opportunities.

In order to be considered for the award, applications must be completed by April 1, 2021. Please direct any questions to Lindsay Shearer ( or by calling 402.472.9019.

More details at: http://