NEW 4-H Volunteer Interest Form

Learn more about the volunteer interest form:

Where is the survey found?
The survey is found on the page.

How are counties notified someone is interested in serving as a volunteer in their county?
The form is setup to send an email directly to the county email address (not an individual) for the county selected by the interested volunteer.

What is the county’s responsibility after they receive an email that someone is interested?
Counties will receive an email with information regarding interested volunteer. Please follow-up with the interested volunteer in a timely manner to determine if the volunteer is a fit for your local volunteer needs. Use the volunteer interest survey as a resource for this conversation. Keep the information about the interested volunteers and a copy of their interest survey information on file for future reference.

What if our county doesn’t have the volunteer opportunities available selected by the interested volunteer?
After finishing the form, this message is what the interested volunteer sees. It is also emailed to them. Use the volunteer interest survey to get more information from them and explain the current/future needs for volunteer roles in your local area. The volunteer interest survey is found on the employee resources page.

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