2022 Nebraska State Fair 4-H State Fair Entry is Open!

The 2022 Nebraska State Fair 4-H and FFA entry site is open and accepting entries! Below you will find some information regarding the deadline, entry site, 4-H schedule, livestock entry limits, entry prices, optional livestock purchase items, tips for how to submit entries and who to contact if you have registration questions. Please share this information with your families in your county.

Deadline to complete entries:
Wednesday, August 10 at 8 PM CST*
*No option for late entries

Online Entry Site
After clicking the link, scroll down to “Online Entry Information” and click the navy blue box that reads 4-H/FFA ENTRY.

- State Fair Livestock Schedule Link: https://www.statefair.org/sites/default/files/_images/content/2022%20Livestock/Schedules/2022LivestockSchedule(62222).pdf
- 4-H Static, Contest, Fashion Show, Robotics Showcase, Presentations Schedule Link: https://4h.unl.edu/state-fair-schedule
- 4-H Weekend (Friday, August 26-Sunday, August 28)
- FFA Weekend (Saturday, September 3-Monday, September 5 with cattle able to arrive on Friday, September 2)

Livestock Entry Limits
- 4-H and FFA each have different entry limits for each species. Review the attached document to view how many animals can be entered under each organization.

Step By Step Entry Instructions
- It is recommended to download the step by step instructions prior to signing in to the entry site. Note: Even if the youth exhibited at the 2021 State Fair, please click “I am a new exhibitor or have yet to register this year”
- Browser: It is recommended to use Chrome as the web browser.

Entry Prices and Optional Livestock Purchase Items
Note: All Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Rabbit and Poultry 4-H/FFA exhibitors will automatically receive an 11-day admission wristband at no cost. Exhibitors will not have to select a wristband as it will automatically be provided with the livestock, rabbit, and/or poultry entry. 4-H Dog Exhibitors and other non-livestock in-person entries (4-H Contests, Fashion Show, Presentations, and the Robotics Showcase) will receive a free daily gate pass. All purchase items will be in the exhibitor packet when the exhibitor checks in at the Livestock Check-In Trailer.

Issues with Registration?
If you have technical difficulties with the online registration, please e-mail the Nebraska 4-H/FFA local technical support team: ne.showorks@gmail.com.

We hope to see you all at the 2022 Nebraska State Fair!

More details at: https://statefair.org/competitions-participate/competitions/4-h-ffa-exhibitors