Survey: After-School Programming in 4-H

Dear 4-H Professional,

You are receiving this survey because you may be conducting after-school programs in your role as a 4-H professional. The purpose of this survey is to gain insight into the current level of involvement, roles, and reach 4-H has with after-school programs.

Your participation is voluntary, you can decide to stop at any time, and if there is a question you don't want to answer, you can leave it blank. Your willingness to participate will not have an impact on your participation in 4-H programs. There are no right or wrong answers, so we ask you to answer all questions honestly. We are not asking for your name; your answers are confidential. There are no known risks or immediate benefits to you; however, by participating you will have contributed to a greater understanding of after-school programming in 4-H. There are 15 questions; most of them have multiple choice responses. We estimate that the survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. Please contact us if you have any questions about the survey.

The Ohio State University Office of Responsible Research Practices reviewed this study and found it to be acceptable. If you have questions about your rights as a participant in a research study or to discuss other study-related concerns or complaints with someone not part of the research team, you may contact the Office of Responsible Research Practices at 1-800-678-6251.

Your answers are important to us. We very much look forward to your participation in the survey, as the results will give us valuable information that we can use to "make the best better."

You can access the survey at the following link:

Yours in 4-H, Theresa M. Ferrari, PhD Extension Specialist, 4-H Youth Development, Ohio 4-H

Travis West

4-H Educator, Vinton County, Ohio 4-H

Past Chair, NAE4-HYDP Afterschool Working Group