Hello 4-H Educators!
My name is Becky Swanson and I’m one of the 4-H STEM Specialists here at Nebraska 4-H. I’m conducting a study on how educators talk to youth during engineering activities in afterschool or other out-of-school-time spaces, and how youth respond. This is a four-year National Science Foundation-funded project.
I’m looking for 4-H Educators to co-develop and teach a series of engineering lessons outside of school time for upper elementary-aged youth, in your 4-H county or counties.
4-H Educators who participate in this study will receive a monetary honorarium and professional development around teaching engineering.
For the first year of the project, we are looking for 4-H Educators, of any rank, who have been with Nebraska 4-H for more than one year and have prior experience teaching STEM.
In the following years, we will be inviting any 4-H Educator interested in teaching engineering to join the study, regardless of experience or rank.
For more information about the project, or to express your interest in participating, please visit https://go.unl.edu/FACET or email me at rebecca.swanson@unl.edu.