OPPORTUNITY for 4-H/FFA Dairy Cattle Project Member

Below is a great opportunity for Nebraska 4-H/FFA dairy cattle project members to compete on a region level. Please take advantage of this event and inform your county fair winners.


 Youth exhibiting the ____________ County Fair Supreme and Reserve Supreme Junior Champion Dairy Heifers (a female dairy animal that has not had a calf) of all dairy breeds are eligible to compete with their champion heifers in the Iowa Supreme Champion Dairy Heifer Scholarship Show held at the National Cattle Congress in Waterloo, Iowa in September 13-14, 2019.
 This show is designed for youth from Iowa and all surrounding states (including Nebraska) who receive supreme and reserve supreme junior champions at their county fair to come together and meet others with similar interests. The hope is for youth to enjoy their experience, share and learn from one another, and most importantly have FUN!
 Exhibitors must be a member of a 4-H Club or FFA Chapter.
 Exhibitors must be from Iowa or surrounding states (includes Nebraska).
 Last year, the Iowa Supreme Champion Dairy Heifer Scholarship Show awarded $3,500 in college scholarships (trust fund) to the top three heifers (Supreme $2,000, Reserve $1,000, & Honorable Mention $500) of the show.
 Upon awarding the ________ County Fair Supreme and Reserve Supreme Junior Champion Dairy Heifers, the exhibitors will receive certificates and forms from Extension staff to be completed and returned (by the exhibitor) to the National Cattle Congress Office in ordered to be entered in the Iowa Supreme Champion Dairy Heifer Scholarship Show. Once all entries are received, the National Cattle Congress Office will mail out exhibitor information and fair passes.
 There will be no entry fees for this particular event, but participants are encouraged to enter in the other classes at the National Cattle Congress Youth Dairy Show.


 For the certificate/form and more information, please contact: Danielle Kiefer (dmkiefer06@gmail.com); Jim Koch (jim@nationalcattlecongress.com) or the National Cattle Congress Office (319-234-7515 or https://nationalcattlecongress.com/contact/)
 The event committee will be meeting soon and will have more details confirmed (including the updated certificate) for the 2019 event. The event is scheduled for September 13-14, 2019.
 2019 National Cattle Congress Schedule (based on 2018)
Friday, September 13
7:00 pm Check In
8:30 pm Youth Pizza Party
Saturday, September 14
8:00 am Novice Show (5-9 years old)
8:30 am Congress Iowa Supreme Champion Dairy Heifer Scholarship Show
9:00 am Youth Dairy Show
 Once all entries are received (usually the last week in August), the National Cattle Congress Office will mail out exhibitor information and fair passes.
 For more details about the National Cattle Congress, go to: http://nationalcattlecongress.com/fair-details/

More details at: http://nationalcattlecongress.com/fair-details/