4HOnline Permission to Treat/Release of Claims Form

NEW in 2019, all newly enrolled members will be required to compete the Permission to Treat/Release of Claims form in 4HOnline. This change occurred this spring, so youth enrolled before that time may not have experienced this update.

Parents/Guardians may opt to select “no” to grant permission to treat and release. We can still serve those who select no on the local level, but we suggest following up with parents who select “no” to better understand their reasoning. While it’s not required we highly recommend that we encourage parents who are leaving children with us for extended periods of time to complete the form and allow permissions that allow us to secure the most immediate care for their child if needed.

For participants engaged in programming that requires travel or an overnight stay, it is required that Parents/Guardians select “yes” to grant permission to treat and release. This is not a change from previous years. You should continue to ensure that all youth in travel status or on overnight stays have this permission. Copies of the Permission to Treat and Release form and a completed health form should be carried by the adult supervisor for all youth in travel/overnight programs.

If you have any questions about this change, contact Jill Lingard at jlingard@unl.edu.