We have had several questions about a tool you could use with 4-H judges to think more inclusively as they worked with youth. We have posted information for judges regarding unconscious bias on the web page for judges’ training https://4h.unl.edu/resources/judges. There is also a three-minute video to lead the conversation. While it may be a challenge to require watching, it does provide a tool and an opportunity for discussion. Let us know how it’s working and if you have other ideas. Verbiage from the website follows:
We are excited that you have chosen to help expand a young person’s experience by being a 4-H judge. As part of your role, we want to prepare you not only as it related to content but also as it pertains to the entire youth development experience. The following three minute video is designed to help you think about your role as a judge and the kinds of views we bring into the experience. As you watch the video, some questions to think about:
- What kinds of feelings do you bring into the judging experience?
- How do your past 4-H (or other experiences) influence your role as a 4-H judge?
- What are some unconscious biases you might have about a 4-H’er you will be judging?
- What are the unconscious biases the 4-H’er might have about you?
- What might you do/say to make sure the 4-H’er has the most positive experience?
Video link: https://go.unl.edu/66t7