Make sure to check the academic calendar for important dates this spring that may have changed including priority enrollment, pass/no pass, and the deadline to withdraw from a semester course. Continue reading…
Dance Marathon is a student run non-profit organization that raises money for the Children's Hospital in Omaha. Each year we recruit 1000+ students to help fundraise for our cause. Of course, we could not recruit, fundraise or spread awareness for our cause without a stellar Marketing team. Continue reading…
Do you want to stay as informed as possible on department news and events? Are you looking for ways to connect with other students and faculty members? Do you want to stay connected after you graduate? Follow us on social media! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @unlcommdept
I hope you all had a safe spring break. How are classes going? Remember I remain available for advising meetings now and in the future, by email and Zoom. Continue reading…
Coffee Talks international conversation group at UNL moves to Zoom! Coffee Talks will meet for the rest of the spring semester on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30, and the Zoom meeting ID is 467 856 873.
Take advantage of your more flexible schedule by connecting with a Career Coach to discuss exploring careers/majors, developing your resume, using Handshake and LinkedIn, gaining experience, post-graduation planning, and more! Schedule online using MyPLAN, or email to get the conversation started.