Big Event Leadership Opportunities

Big Event Leadership Opportunities
• The Big Event is a one-day service project where students, faculty, and staff at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln show their appreciation for the surrounding community. Students volunteer in the local Lincoln community by helping community organizations and private residences do acts of service, like painting walls, cleaning garages, raking leaves, etc. The Big Event will take place this coming April 23rd from 12pm - 3:30pm with a lunch provided before service events begin. There are two different applications, the executive team, and operations staff. The executive team has a number of positions people can apply to such as being in charge of sponsorship, recruitment, etc. Operations staff are responsible for visiting job sites prior to The Big Event as well as visiting job sites on the day of the event. The link for both applications can be found here respectively:
• More information will be provided at a later time, if you have questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to (Big Event Co-Chair)."
• Application Deadline: March 4th, 2022