I hope your second week of classes are off to a great start! If you haven’t already heard, tomorrow is Volleyball Day Nebraska. Since this is being hosted on the UNL Campus in Memorial Stadium, the UNL Chancellor has made tomorrow, Wednesday August 30th a UNL Continuity Day. This does not mean that your classes are automatically cancelled. You need to check each course syllabus or Canvas class to see what your instructor has decided - to move the class online to zoom or cancel. There are a number of campus offices that will NOT be open tomorrow. Please check the following website if you need to meet with someone in a campus office - https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/adjusted-campus-hours-and-services-volleyball-day-nebraska-aug-30 Hopefully you are able to attend the Volleyball Day event tomorrow and participate in this historical event.
More details at: https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/adjusted-campus-hours-and-services-volleyball-day-nebraska-aug-30