Oct. 15 - Information Session for "Japanese Visual Culture in Context" Summer Abroad Course

Kyoto, Japan.
Kyoto, Japan.

Professor Dana Fritz is hosting an information session for her upcoming Summer abroad course "Japanese Visual Culture in Context" on Oct. 15 at 5:30 p.m. in room Woods 13.
Ask questions and meet the instructor and other interested students at these informal events.

Course Description: This course addresses a broad range of Japanese visual culture, including contemporary and historical art, crafts and design. Because it is an education abroad course, students will be completely immersed in visual culture rather than only learning about it remotely in a classroom in Lincoln. The experience of traveling to Japan enables students to see visual culture as part of a whole culture that engages all of the senses. In this ACE course, students will increase their global awareness and sharpen their perceptual and analytical skills through observation, analysis, and interpretation, and will share visual information and cultural experiences in writing, photography and group presentations.

Additional relevant information can be found here: