Newest member of the School of Art, Art History and Design, Allison Woods

Allison Woods Headshot
Allison Woods Headshot

"I’m Allison Woods, the new Digital Support Specialist taking over for Drew! I am a photographer from Nebraska and graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan and am very excited to get to be a part of the SAAHD and help students be able to create their own art. Outside of this role, I have my own art practice in photography and have been exploring new methods of creating physical objects in correlation with my photos. I am also a lover of plants and hope to have my office full of many, I skateboard and am passionate about advocacy in the queer/femme skate community and enjoy playing video games when I can. Stop in the Digital Lab and say hi to me!"

Next week's Digital Lab hours of operation:

April 8th: 9am-11am, 12p-2p, 4p-9pm
April 9th: 2p-5p
April 11th: 2p-7p