Check out the news from our alumni:
• Jessie Graff (B.A. 2007) appears on the cover of the October 2017 Women's Health magazine. to excel on the NBC TV show "American Ninja Warrior." This spring, she made history when she became the first woman to complete stage 2 in the national finals during the USA vs. the World competition. She returned this summer and made the national finals again, though she did not complete stage 1.
• Caitlin Brandes Hahn (B.A. 2005) starred in a short film that is getting great press and awards titled "Wink," written by Monika Petrillo.
• Shelly (Warner) Harvey (B.F.A. 2004) is the lighting and video supervisor of the Kansas City Rep.
• Byron Hunt (B.F.A. 2009) is the stage supervisor at the Juilliard School in New York City.
• Adam Jefferis (B.A. 2003) performed in the Summer Shakespeare in the Park Series at The Actors' Gang. "This year, we've mashed up 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' with 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,' and I'm playing Puck as Alpha 5," he wrote.
• Reagan Lopez (B.A. 2012) was in the ensemble for New York Shakespeare this summer.
• A.J. Lowery (B.F.A. 2016) is the technical director at Lincoln Pius X High School.
• Dani Mader (B.F.A. 2017) is now attending graduate school at Carnegie Mellon University.
• Abigail Miller (B.A. 2002) has a major role in "The Sinner," an eight-episode miniseries starring Jessica Biel on USA Network.
• Meghan Modrovsky (B.A. 2014) auditioned and was cast as Arya Stark in "Game of Thrones: The Rock Musical." The show ran in West Hollywood last spring and at San Diego Comic Con this summer. The show moves Off-Broadway in New York City for a run from Oct. 10-29 at the Jerry Orbach Theatre.
• Leta Powell Drake (M.A. 1967), along with Nebraska Repertory Theatre Alumnus David Landis (B.A. 1970, J.D. 1971, M.C.R.P. 1995), Rod McCullough (B.A. English 1970) and Connie Dillow (posthumous) will be honored as Playhouse Legends by the Lincoln Community Playhouse at a gala on Oct. 19. For tickets, visit http://www.lincolnplayhouse.com.
• Greg Rishoi (M.F.A. 2016) is the technical director at the Rose Theatre in Omaha.
• John Wojtasek (B.F.A. 2012) is a filmmaker at LuxLab. They produce the show "Real Life Catholic," a travel documentary that tells the stories of people's lives and faith in their own element, which airs on EWTN. See an article on the series here: http://go.unl.edu/fjm2.
Do you have alumni news to share? Submit yours to unlarts@unl.edu. Please include your degree and year of graduation.