Through Oct. 21, Nebraska Ceramics Alumi Exhibition

Rhonda Willers, Family, 2015, Earthernware, Terra Sigillata, Washes 3”x17.5”x7”
Rhonda Willers, Family, 2015, Earthernware, Terra Sigillata, Washes 3”x17.5”x7”

Eisentrager•Howard Gallery in Richards Hall features the "Nebraska Ceramics Alumni Exhibition" through October 21. The exhibition consists of artworks from thirty-five ceramic alumni of the School of Art, Art History & Design (formerly the Department of Art & Art History) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The exhibition was organized to coincide with the American Craft Council conference, “Present Tense,” that occurred October 13-15 at Kaneko in historic downtown Omaha. Eisentrager•Howard Gallery is open M-F, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.