The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s School of Art, Art History & Design presents “Nebraska Touring,” a traveling exhibition of undergraduate and graduate works of art, art history research and design.
The schedule is as follows:
• Warren Opera House, Friend, Nebraska, June 5-29. Closing reception June 29 from 5-8 p.m.
• Prairie Arts Center, North Platte, Nebraska, July 3-28. Closing reception July 28 from 5-8 p.m.
• Studio K, Grand Island, Nebraska, July 31-Aug. 26. Closing reception: Aug. 26 from 5-8 p.m.
The closing receptions are free and open to the public.
This project was made possible, in part, with support from the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts’ Endowment Fund at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Participating Students (listed with their hometowns):
• Please note: Due to space limits, not every student will have work at every venue.
Keith Buswell (undergraduate; Lincoln, Nebraska)
Madeline Christensen (undergraduate; Kearney, Nebraska)
Hanna Demma (undergraduate; Lincoln, Nebraska)
Allison Diesing (undergraduate; Papillion, Nebraska)
Sam Hardewig (undergraduate; Cincinnati, Ohio)
Bryon Hartley (graduate; Dawson, Illinois)
Sheree Haynie (undergraduate; Omaha, Nebraska)
Katharen Hedges (undergraduate; Lincoln, Nebraska)
Michael Johnson (undergraduate; Waukee, Iowa)
Wansoo Kim (graduate; South Korea)
Kayla Linden (undergraduate; Pleasanton, Nebraska)
Luis Martinez (undergraduate; Grand Island, Nebraska)
Ricardo Rodriguez (undergraduate; Bellevue, Nebraska)
Megan Rook (undergraduate; Lincoln, Nebraska)
Skyler Simpson (undergraduate; Elkhorn, Nebraska)
Carlos Velasco (undergraduate; Shelby, Nebraska)
Erik White (graduate; Salt Lake City, Utah)
Kristin Wilson (undergraduate; Lincoln, Nebraska)
Stephanie Wright (graduate; Breaux Bridge, Louisiana)
Rana Young (graduate; Lincoln, Nebraska)
More details at: http://arts.unl.edu/art/news/school-art-art-history-design-presents-nebraska-touring-exhibition