College committee nominations

It is time to consider nominations for vacancies on the College Promotion and Tenure Committee and the College Curriculum and Advising Committee.

As per the by-laws, the Curriculum and Advising Committee has made the following nominations for the Promotion and Tenure Committee and the Curriculum and Advising Committee:

Area III, Sciences, one person to replace David Loope, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
1. Luchezar Avramov, Professor, Mathematics
2. Mark Walker, Professor, Mathematics

Area II, Humanities, one person to replace Oscar Pereira, Modern Languages and Literatures
1. Dawne Curry, Assistant Professor, History and Ethnic Studies
2. June Griffin, Associate Professor of Practice, English

Area III, Sciences, one person to replace Diana Pilson, Biological Sciences
1. Christian Binek, Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy
2. Adam Houston, Associate Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

For all of the above vacancies, the Faculty may now make further nominations. Such nominations must be in writing and supported by the signatures of at least five members of the faculty.

All nominations are to be emailed to Associate Dean Debbie Minter at on or before Friday, March 18, 2014.