UNL BeefWatch June 2013

Breeding Cows in Confinement

Photo courtesy of Karla Jenkins.As summer approaches many areas in Nebraska are at 60-70% of normal rainfall for this time of year. Due to the soil moisture deficit of the 2012 drought, producers need to reduce 2013 stocking rates by 20-30% and delay turnout as long as possible to allow pastures to recover. For some producers this Continue reading…


Utilizing Leaf Stage for Grazing

Utilizing Leaf Stage for GrazingThe last year has been difficult to manage for pasture health and production. First, the impact of the drought and hot temperatures in 2012 diminished plant health. This year, cool spring weather has slowed growth of cool-season plants. Combine that with below precipitation, and what is a grazing Continue reading…


Pinkeye in Cattle

Pinkeye is a highly contagious infectious disease.Pinkeye is a highly contagious infectious disease affecting the eyes of cattle. This common disease can vary in its severity from year to year.

Although pinkeye rarely causes the death of affected cattle it can cause substantial losses to the cattle industry through decreased weight gain, lowered m Continue reading…


Forage and Grazing Tips

Summer annual forage crops are hot weather crops.
Once corn, beans, and other crops are all planted, it's natural to be anxious to plant your summer annual forage grasses. But don't rush. Too early is bad for these crops.

Summer annual forage crops - like sudangrass, millets, cane, teff, and sorghum-sudan hy Continue reading…

Originally published June 1, 2013 - Submit an Item