Drought continues to plague most of Nebraska. Due to the ongoing drought conditions, residual forage, soil moisture, hay production, and 2013 grass growth continue to be severely limited. In order to reduce grazing pressure and delay pasture turn out as long as possible many producers are considerin Continue reading…
Pinkeye is a highly contagious infectious disease affecting the eyes of cattle. This common disease can vary in its severity from year to year.
Although pinkeye rarely causes the death of affected cattle it can cause substantial losses to the cattle industry through decreased weight gain, lowered m Continue reading…

Once corn, beans, and other crops are all planted, it's natural to be anxious to plant your summer annual forage grasses. But don't rush. Too early is bad for these crops.
Summer annual forage crops - like sudangrass, millets, cane, teff, and sorghum-sudan hy Continue reading…