The Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition (NGLC) and UNL Extension are hosting Tony Malmberg, on a four day, eight stop traveling road show across Nebraska. Tony Malmberg is a third-generation rancher and the recipient of many honors from agricultural organizations, environmental and wildlife interests, Continue reading…
Will you feed cane, millet, or oat hay, or maybe corn stalk bales, to your cows this winter? If so, don’t let high nitrate levels kill your cows or cause abortions.
Nitrates occur naturally in all forages. At low levels, nitrates either are converted into microbial protein by bacte Continue reading…
With the summer season wrapping up in the Nebraska Extension offices a person can reflect on the accomplishments our 4-H and FFA youth have made this year. One activity that takes a lot of time is raising and exhibiting livestock for the local county fair, State Fair, and Aksarben in Nebraska. The Continue reading…
The short answer is a lot! The valuable components of corn stover in terms of feed are the leaf and husk because they are the most digestible (have the most energy value to the animal) but they only comprise about 40% of the residue produced. UNL research has shown that the husk is 60% digestible, Continue reading…