As we transition into spring and before livestock producers turn cattle in to summer pastures, selecting this year’s fly control program should be considered. A thought to consider, did your fly control program work last year? If it did not, now is the time to consider a different method. There are Continue reading…
Do you need to grow more hay for next winter? One way to get that extra hay might be to fertilize your hay meadows this spring. There’s still time.
Hay meadows respond well to fertilizer. But, be sure to use the types and amounts of fertilizer that work best for the Continue reading…
As we enter this branding season, producers may be asking themselves the following questions:
1. Will implanting at branding time affect the price of the calves when sold in the fall?
2. Is implanting calves at branding time worth the investment?
While it has been well documented that implants can Continue reading…
One way to add additional weight to fall weaned calves prior to selling them is to graze them on cover crops in the fall. This may have an additional benefit in that market prices for 500 to 600 lb calves traditionally increase from October through January.
In a 2016 Nebraska Beef Report Continue reading…