An abundance of new information on an age-old feed has led extension specialists from Iowa State University and University of Nebraska—Lincoln to offer a one-day conference for cattle producers, nutrition consultants and extension personnel. Galen Erickson, beef feedlot extension specialist with UNL Continue reading…
Free for the taking. Free lunch. Absolutely no cost. Something for nothing. Don’t you love it when you can get something for free?
Input costs keep rising. Seed, fertilizer, pesticides, fuel, hay, supplements, trucking – everything seems to get more expensive. Bu Continue reading…
Annual Forage Insurance coverage is available in Nebraska for annual forage plants seeded for use as livestock feed or fodder. This includes but is not limited to plants seeded for grazing, haying, grazing/haying, grain/grazing, green chop, grazing/green chop, or silage.
The signup/sales deadline i Continue reading…