Yucca plants, which are also called soapweed by many people, have nearly overrun many rangelands. There are ways, though, to reclaim those grazinglands.
Across much of western and central Nebraska, yucca has nearly taken over some pastures. While they may be able to produce attract Continue reading…
The combination of low commodity prices and high input costs has left cattle producers struggling to reach breakeven levels. With focus on the current down-turn in the agricultural economy, Nebraska Extension and Colorado State University Extension will be hosting a series of meetings in twelve loca Continue reading…
Moisture, high winds, and cold temperatures increase the cow's energy requirements.
Cows in an optimal body condition score (BCS 5 to 6) are better able to withstand adverse environmental conditions. As a risk management strategy going into the winter, reduce the number of BCS 4 cows and increase t Continue reading…