Please be sure to check the job postings on ROSCOE. There are still several positions to be filled!
West Corporation (Omaha, NE)
Assistant Counsel
West Corporation is a leading provider of technology-driven, voice-oriented solutions. West offers its clients a broad range of communications and infrastructure management solutions that help them manage or support critical communications. West's customer contact solutions and conferencing services are designed to improve its clients' cost structure and provide reliable, high-quality services. West also provides mission-critical services, such as public safety and emergency communications.
McGrath North Mullin & Kratz PC (Omaha, NE)
Employee Benefits Attorney
McGrath North seeks an employee benefits attorney having experience with qualified and nonqualified retirement plans and health and welfare plans (including ERISA/COBRA/HIPAA). Flexible schedule available.
Weaver & Merz Law (Falls City, NE)
Associate Attorney
Weaver & Merz is a full service law firm operating at both the Nebraska State Court level and the Federal Court level. The firm’s motto has always been to put the needs of its clients first, as their level of success is measured by the success of their clients. A win for a client is a win for Weaver & Merz. The firm’s two members, Robert Meyer and Douglas E. Merz, have more than 40 years of combined legal service in the Nebraska area.
Weaver & Merz is grateful for the opportunity to work closely with clients and to provide a variety of legal services for them and their businesses. The firm has experience working in several different areas of law practice, including business law, family law, tax law, and personal injury cases. The firm also provides services for gas and oil companies, corporations, real estate, and trusts and estate cases.
Associate Attorney position in Falls City Nebraska with two or more years experience preferred.
Practice areas should include litigation, agriculture, small business, and criminal law. Excellent opportunity. All inquires held in strict confidence.
The Office of Probation Administration (Lincoln, NE)
Juvenile Justice Programs Specialist (Juvenile Service Specialist)
This is a professional position which coordinates components of juvenile justice programming for the Office of Probation Administration. This position will concentrate on the areas of supervision, case management, associated services, and programming for juveniles placed on Probation by the juvenile court. Reporting to the Assistant Deputy Administrator for Juvenile Services or designee for programming, the Juvenile Justice Programs Specialist is responsible for policy and program development, research, analysis, and making recommendations concerning issues surrounding juvenile justice including intake, services, programming and the supervision of juveniles. Duties also include tracking legislation on corresponding concerns and making recommendations to the Probation Administrator. Work at this level involves functioning as a leader, facilitator, advocate, and trainer. Direction is received from the Assistant Deputy Administrator for Juvenile Services or designee who reviews work through reports and evaluation of operational results; however, the employee is expected to exercise a high degree of initiative and judgment in the performance of assigned responsibilities.
In order to simplify your job search process, be sure to create a "search agent" in ROSCOE for new jobs, which will automatically send you new job postings. In order to do this, save a search and then schedule it to run on a daily or weekly basis. If you need any assistance with this process, please call, e-mail, or come by the CSO.