Classes canceled this week, online starting the 30th

The university has canceled classes from March 16–20. After spring break, beginning March 30, all spring semester classes will be taught remotely and will not be taught in-person.

UNL, the CDC, and others have numerous sources where information can be found to help us be informed. Information from the university can be found on the UNL website, This will be continually updated with new information. If students, faculty or staff have questions, please email them to You may also wish to visit the CDC website at

Additionally, both the CASNR Dean’s Office and the COE Dean’s Office will distribute College updates through their respective listservs. If you are not currently subscribed to the CASNR listserv, contact Alex Terry For the COE listserv, please let Christel Burgason know and she will forward your request.

Thank you for your patience and accommodation as we work through this difficult time.