Faculty and Staff in the Media

Joe Luck was featured in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources' Faculty Spotlight along with his wife Lena Luck.

The FarmBits Podcast featured Joe Luck in their third episode, Making Your Yield Data Count. He joins the podcast to discuss yield data processes as well as provide his insights into opportunities created by the modern prevalence of digital yield data.

ORED's Top Awards from Public Sponsors, August 2020 featured Tami Brown-Brandl, Yeyin Shi, and Adam Liska. Tami Brown-Brandl received a grant for the Effect of Rearing Conditions on Behavioral and Metabolic Responses of Poultry. Yeyin Shi and others received a grant for High Intensity Phenotyping Sites: Transitioning to a Nationwide Plant Phenotyping Network. Adam Liska and others received a grant for Long-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network.

Suat Irmak and Meetpal Kukal published a new article on interrelationships between water use efficiency and light use efficiency in four row crop canopies. Read more about their work here.

IANR News mentioned the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (DWFI) for receiving a three-year, $1 million grant from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to advance access and education around smallholder farmer irrigation in Africa. View the full story.