Faculty and Staff in the Media

Nicole Iverson was featured on “She’s a Scientist,” a video series launched by University Communication to highlight the work of female researchers at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The video features Nicole's work on developing nanoscopic sensors aimed at detecting earlier hints of disease at the cellular level.

Yufeng Ge's plant genetics research was featured on RFD-TV. The live interview, which ran March 2, explored how Ge’s research is helping develop crop varieties that produce more better food, use less resources and are environmentally more stable. Watch the interview here.

ASABE published an article by Francisco Munoz-Arriola and others suggesting a new way to manage Atrazine, a herbicide that controls weeds in cornfields but poses risks in surface and groundwater. Read the article: Geospatial upscaling of atrazine's transport using electromagnetic induction across point to field scales

The Hydrology journal's March issue features an article by Francisco Munoz-Arriola and others. The article is on Common Pool Resource Management: Assessing Water Resources Planning for Hydrologically Connected Surface and Groundwater Systems. Read the article here.