Alumni Masters Week: Nominate Outstanding Alums

Alumni Masters Week is a program sponsored by the Nebraska Alumni Association, Scarlet Guard and the UNL Chancellor’s Office. Every fall, outstanding alumni return to campus to share their experiences and knowledge with students. All students are encouraged to take part in lectures, presentations and events with the Alumni Masters, who will speak about ways to apply formal education to working situations and career goals.
Candidates are alumni who have shown great promise, success and leadership in their fields. Each spring, a committee of faculty and administrators makes recommendations to the chancellor, who chooses the participants for the program.
Find out more about Masters Week and other Alumni Association sponsored programs on their website.
The Alumni Association is seeking nominations for the 2017 Masters Week. We are encouraged to consider nominating individuals from multiple backgrounds so we can showcase the rich diversity of our alumni family. For a nomination form, please contact Shannon Parry. Nominations are due to the CoE Dean’s Office,, by Friday, February 24.