Dr. Suat Irmak, Harold W. Eberhard Distinguished Professor, received the 2017 Best Paper Award for two technical papers by the Environmental & Water Resources Institute.
The two papers were "Interannual Variation in Long-Term Center-Pivot Irrigated Evapotranspiration and Various Water Productivity Response Indices. I: Grain Yield, Actual and Basal Evapotranspiration, Irrigation-Yield Production Functions, Evapotranspiration-Yield Production Functions, and Yield Response Factor" and "Interannual Variation in Long-Term Center-Pivot Irrigated Evapotranspiration and Various Water Productivity Response Indices. II: Irrigation Water Use Efficiency, Crop WUE, Evapotranspiration WUE, Irrigation-Evapotranspiration Water Use Efficiency, and Precipitation Use Efficiency."
The award will be presented to Dr. Irmak at the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2017 in May at the Sacramento Convention Center in California.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Irmak on this honor!