New faculty members Tiffany Messer, Rebecca Wachs, Mark Wilkins, Forrest Kievit and Xin Qiao took part in the IANR Roads Scholar Tour August 1 to 3.
"As a nonnative of Nebraska with minimal exposure to agricultural systems, I found the IANR tour a fantastic, whirlwind introduction to the major--for example, cattle and corn--and burgeoning--for example, hops and wine--agricultural systems of Nebraska," Kievit said. "It was fun to spend the week getting to know Mike Boehm and other new faculty within IANR, touring the gorgeous Western part of the state, and seeing the rubber check race at the Scotts Bluff County fair!"
Wachs cited the Panhandle Research Center and touring a sugar beet factory as other favorite parts of the tour, and Wilkins noted acquaintances made and cropping systems viewed.
"I enjoyed meeting colleagues on the tour and at the research and extension centers," Wilkins said. "It was a good chance to talk about each other’s work and think about how we can work together. Seeing the agricultural cropping systems that are unique to Western Nebraska, particularly dry bean production, was very useful for me."
Qiao agreed meeting others was a major benefit of the tour.
"It was exciting to have the chance to converse with diverse talented individuals in IANR," he said. "I believe the diversity, robustness, and comradeship are strengths of IANR."
Qiao also valued the comprehensiveness of the tour.
"During the three days, I really saw the natural gradient of Nebraska," he said.
First taken in 2008, the annual tour introduces new IANR personnel to businesses, UNL facilities and innovative people throughout Nebraska.