Biological Systems Engineering

Sandeep Bhatti's poster on variable rate irrigation took second place in the competition at the Nebraska Water Center Symposium last week.
Sandeep Bhatti's poster on variable rate irrigation took second place in the competition at the Nebraska Water Center Symposium last week.

Bhatti places second, and Keilhauer third, at poster competition at water symposium

Master's student Sandeep Bhatti took second place in the poster competition at the Nebraska Water Center Symposium held October 26-27 in the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center. Tiffany Messer's SNR student Mary Keilhauer placed third. Civil engineering student Xinjuan Hu took first place. Continue reading…


Ghosts and goblins to appear in Chase Hall

Happy Halloween!About 45 trick-or-treaters will walk the floors of Chase Hall this morning in their Halloween trek from the Ruth Staples Child Development Laboratory next door. The children range in age from 18 months to 5 years and some have allergies, so the staff is encouraged to give safe goodies like stickers.


Upcoming Events

10/31 Trick-or-treaters visit Chase Hall between 9 and 11:30 a.m.
11/1 Aaron Engel's Ph.D. defense at 9 a.m. in Room 219
11/1 Greg Bashford's colloquium at 3:30 p.m. in Room 116
11/2 Birthday Coffee from 10-10:30 a.m. in Rooms 225-226


Do you have an item you'd like to submit?

If you have news to share, please forward your items to Ronica Stromberg ( by noon on Mondays for inclusion in the Tuesday edition.

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Originally published October 31, 2017 - Submit an Item