Bhatti places second, and Keilhauer third, at poster competition at water symposium

Sandeep Bhatti's poster on variable rate irrigation took second place in the competition at the Nebraska Water Center Symposium last week.
Sandeep Bhatti's poster on variable rate irrigation took second place in the competition at the Nebraska Water Center Symposium last week.

Master's student Sandeep Bhatti took second place in the poster competition at the Nebraska Water Center Symposium held October 26-27 in the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center. Tiffany Messer's SNR student Mary Keilhauer placed third. Civil engineering student Xinjuan Hu took first place.

"My primary motive to present was sharing my work, but I did not know about the competition until I was at the event," Bhatti said. "The recognition was really unexpected. It surely has motivated me to work harder and participate more in these sessions in the future."

His poster, "Water and Crop Response to Variable Rate Irrigation Using Remote Sensing Model and Soil Moisture Content Modeling," relayed findings of his research with Derek Heeren as advisor.

He said he enjoyed using the poster format.

"Posters are fun to design and present one's work," Bhatti said. "I like to present my work in a simplified manner so that viewers can understand it with ease."

Keilhauer's poster was titled, "Nutrient Removal Capacity of Floating Treatment Wetlands," and focused on the capacity of nitrogen and phosphorous to remove nutrients from these wetlands.

The symposium, entitled "Managing Impacts to Water Quality in Production Agriculture" this year, is hosted annually by the Nebraska Water Center, a part of the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute, and the U.S. Geological Survey's Nebraska Water Science Center. It offers students a forum for sharing their research with scientists, producers, policymakers, conservationists and industry leaders.