This Wednesday's Workshop: Jason Feldhaus


“Jason brings a rich history of youth service to his position. Prior to taking on the statewide expansion of older youth work through the Connected Youth Initiative, he served as a Project Everlast Youth Advisor (Leadership Development and Employment Navigation) and the Omaha program officer. Thanks to a federal Social Innovation Fund grant and a substantial investment from private and community partners, Nebraska Children is expanding into rural communities the older youth system of care model. Jason is currently helping build Connected Youth Communities and collaborations across rural Nebraska to help young people with experience in the foster care and juvenile justice systems, struggling with homelessness, or who are disconnected from a family structure. His previous work experience includes various positions at Uta Halee Girls Village & Cooper Village and time as a Social Services Worker for the Department of Health and Human Services. Jason graduated from Creighton University with degrees in Organizational Communication and History.” Taken from: