New Faces at CCFL: Tari Miller


Tari Miller

Job Title:
Training Associate

Where do you hail from:
Omaha, Nebraska

What is it they say you do:
I am the newest classroom trainer.

What has been an unexpected detour/ greatest frustration/disappointment:
My greatest frustration? Student loan debt.

What is your passion/what you are drawn to/what motivates you/where do you hope to be in five years:
I like to explore and learn about the world. Within five years, I’d like to go overseas again. So far, I’ve only been to Italy and Iceland.

Family life/hobbies /community involvement:
I love animals and wildlife and being outdoors. I like to hike, travel, and camp (tent and cabin). My favorite place is the Oregon coast.

The quotation I live my life by is......
“Did we just become best friends??” --Brennan Huff, Step Brothers