CCFL's Holiday Party

Holiday Party
Holiday Party

*Wear your best Ugly Christmas Sweater for the day for a chance to take home 1st place!

11:30am-12:30pm Potluck Christmas Meal (Abbott/Wilson): Food will be placed in the Abbott Room, and we will eat in the Wilson Room. An e-mail sign-up was sent and a sheet is posted in the Kitchen on 10th Floor.
*Special Guest, Leah, will join us for lunch as we present her with the gifts donated during the Holiday Drive.

12:30-1:30pm White Elephant-Exchange (Wilson): Participants wrap up a gift from their home to give away. These can be funny, thoughtful, or gifts from previous exchanges. You are not expected to spend money on the gift.

1:30-3:00pm Gingerbread House-Making Competition (Wilson): Teams will be given the opportunity to provide their own supplies again this year. A neutral party will come and award the prize to the best gingerbread house. Houses will be donated to Matt Talbot.

*We are needing volunteers to help decorate the Wilson Room on Thursday, December 12th after 4pm!