
Social Media
Social Media

Are you proud to work at CCFL? I know I am. CCFL is a special place full of incredible people doing amazing work.

As we added leaves to our Gratitude Tree in November, there was a consistent theme, just as there had been the previous year. So many of you created leaves that gave special thanks for CCFL, a fulfilling job, and fellow teammates.

As many of you know, a new communication goal for CCFL is to build our social media presence in 2020. This will be a fun, ever-evolving, and ongoing process. It will also benefit from everyone’s participation and feedback.

Many people in Lincoln and across the state are still unfamiliar with CCFL and the impactful work we do. Sharing our mission and increasing awareness about CCFL is a rewarding daily opportunity for each of us.

A big THANK YOU to those of you already following CCFL on Facebook and Twitter. Your support has been fantastic. If you are not following CCFL, please do so and encourage your friends and family to do so as well!

To have a wide array of great content, I will need your help. I have added a new question to the Weekly Schedule Form for any information you might have for social media.

Please freely submit project updates or news items for possible posting. If you have links to relevant articles or photos, please email them to me (Mindy) directly. What gets posted weekly will depend on changing criteria, so all submitted materials may not be used, but every contribution will be much appreciated.

Additionally, I would like to feature a CCFL staff member weekly with the hashtag #weareCCFL. These posts will have your website photo, name, job title, the answer to a fun trivia question of your choice, and what aspect of your job you enjoy the most.

Highlighting staff is a wonderful way to put a human face on CCFL. You will be receiving a personal email invitation to be featured during 2020.

Thanks to each one of you, CCFL is doing life-changing work every day. Let’s share with our community who we are and what we do! #weareCCFL