New Face: Shelly Egge


We have another new face at CCFL. Hear from her below!

Shelly Egge

Job Title:
N-Focus Training Specialist

Where do you hail from:
I was born and raised in Iowa, but have lived in Nebraska for 28 years.

What is it they say you do:
N-Focus Training Specialist

Who are your early influences/who inspired you most:
My HS government teacher influenced me to become passionate about law and justice, but it was my academic counselor in college that lead me to the social sciences and I changed my major from Political Science to Psychology.

What has been your greatest source of career satisfaction/ proudest achievement:
My longevity in the field.

What has been an unexpected detour/ greatest frustration/disappointment:
Without a doubt, it was my diagnosis of cancer in late 2106. It changed who I was and who I was becoming.

What is your passion/what you are drawn to/what motivates you/where do you hope to be in five years:
My passion if most definitely child welfare. Whether I am working directly with children and families or indirectly training child welfare workers to work with children and families; it’s where I am most satisfied.

Family life/hobbies /community involvement:
I am married to Mark since 1999; we have 3 children – Katelyn, Kylee, and Lucas. I enjoy spending time with my family and being a cheerleader at my kids’ activities. I am actively involved in our church.

The quotation I live my life by is......
poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part!