Word on the Street


What do you hope never changes?

"This is a really hard question since I believe that the only thing that is constant in this life is change! With that being said, although I know the dynamics of our relationship will change and evolve over time, one thing I hope never changes is my children feeling that they can talk to me about anything…Even when it’s hard. I hope that foundational trust never changes." –Maggie Thompson

"The time we spend in northern MN every summer." –Kelli Hauptman

"I hope the closeness of my family never changes. Holidays were always important to my mom and dad. When they passed, it became difficult to get everyone together, to include previous foster brothers and sisters. Apparently my clout as the oldest has allowed me to brow beat my siblings into making sure we have “Thanksmas” every year and a get together during the summer. As Winnie the Pooh says: see picture!" -Paulette Sombke