Word on the Street


What is the best or worst job you’ve ever had? (It can’t be at CCFL…of course!)

"I really loved being a case worker. It was one of the hardest jobs of my life so really the best and worst. It helped me grow as a person and learn so much about the world and myself. I can’t explain the feeling this job gave me. To help a family during the worst time of their life was so rewarding. There are times that job is missed, but I know I made the right decision when I moved into the FTS job.

I also worked at Dairy Queen when I was in High School and College, which was great!" -Melissa Mager

"In high school and college, I worked at a one-hour photo lab…The Photo Factory! It was a small place with about six total employees. The hours were great, the employees were so much fun, owners treated us super and best of all…for a nosy person like me, I could see ALL the pictures. Back before you could delete what you didn’t want others to see. The Photo Factory had a contract with the state to develop all crime scene photos so that was great and awful at the same time. I will tell you…lots of folks take pictures as well that leaves you with not much to imagine!
Through this job, I learned management skills, business skills, made a small family with the owners and other staff, and became an honorary firefighter…that’s a story for another time. The owners also provided those disposable cameras at my wedding reception and printed them for free. This was fun to walk down memory lane! Best.Job.Ever!!" -Jill Knox

"I’ve had a wide array of jobs, and I’ve learned a lot from each of them. Driving a taxi at age 20 (pre-Uber days) was very interesting. Aside from CCFL, the best job I ever had was bartending! Can’t beat getting paid to socialize and getting free drinks to boot." -Tari Miller