Unpacking Your Offices


If your office is in the Sharpe building, then your furniture, boxes, and computers have all been moved back to your offices. Starting this week, you can start unpacking. Remember to sign up through the Google Form that Eve sent out on 5/28. If you do not feel comfortable coming in to unpack, please do not. A couple of items to remember when unpacking:

Please break down all cardboard boxes. If you have nicer/like new boxes, please leave those outside your office door. If they are not worth saving, please place those by the recycling bins or near the elevators.

If you have large personal decorations that were not packed in boxes, they are most likely on 11th Floor . Please see Eve’s note on 6/4 on gaining access to this temporary storage area. We also have a “flea market” area on the 11th floor for you to place any unwanted items (right of the door, marked with a blue piece of paper). Please let Audine know if you have any whiteboards to be hung in your office.

Please remember to sanitize within and outside your office space, and please remember your mask if you are going to be in the office at the same time as somebody else.

Happy Unpacking!