Do you collect anything? What is it? How did you get started?
"When my daughter helped me pack up and move from Lincoln to St. Paul, she said it appeared I collect irons and umbrellas! Apparently she sees no reason to have more than one of each. However, a real collection? Hmmm, not any more. Since I downsized I don’t have a collection of anything. I used to collect Santa Clauses and Star Wars memorabilia. Just because I love them! (Actually, I still have a lot of my star wars memorabilia because I love Yoda!)" -Cheryl Yoder
"We don’t go out seeking them, but if we see a Westie, we almost always add it to our collection. Just before we got married, our friend’s Westie had puppies, and Corkie joined our family a couple of months after the wedding. We’ve adopted three rescue Westies since then. Piper and Winston (#3 and 4) join me in my home office every day." -Sally Bucholz