Word on the Street


What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office (work/home) or kitchen window?

"My home office window has a view of our street. I love seeing all the people going for walks or runs throughout the day." -Eve B.

"We have two bird feeders outside of our kitchen patio doors. We love watching all the different kinds of birds as they come and go and interact with each other. It’s a good thing I can’t see them from my home office, or I probably wouldn’t get anything done." -Sally B.

"My current 'office' is my kitchen table. The thing I see the most is my 11-year-old Australian shepherd, Livy. She lives the life. She basically naps on and off all day. She is either on the couch or laying by my feet. She is a calming presence (except when she is barking at the Amazon delivery person and I’m on a zoom call)." -Jamie B.

"The most interesting thing that I can see from my office window is typically squirrels fighting over acorns!"- Sarah B.

"Right now…snow and a squirrel that likes to sit on the shelf outside my window and dig through my flower pots looking for the acorns it must have buried before winter." -Abby B.