Word on the Street


Question: What’s the strangest or oldest thing in your refrigerator?


"The oldest thing in my refrigerator is my sourdough starter. It’s at least 20 years old, and it’s still alive and kicking (or whatever sourdough starter does)." -Barb S.

"Well, I used to be notorious for keeping condiments in my refrigerator way past their expiration dates, but every time my oldest son comes home to visit he is like the “Aunts” on that Geico commercial going thru my refrigerator “Expired, Expired, Expired”, etc. So he has been keeping the “old” stuff weeded out pretty good! LOL! So I guess I’ll go with the “strangest” stuff found in my refrigerator would be calf vaccines, antibiotics, and various other veterinary treatments for sick calves or cattle. Although not “strange” to have this on hand for ranchers in the mid-west, others in more Urban areas may consider this 'strange'." -Joyce S.

"So, a weird thing I have in my refrigerator is this product called BerryBreeze - it keeps your fruits and veggies fresh longer!