We have a grant repository here at CCFL. The R Drive, CCFL Grant Applications, is a place for you to upload your grant applications so they can be used as a resource by another CCFLer. For example, you wrote a grant proposal that was submitted to the National Institute of Give Me Money (NIGMM). You then have the option to upload that proposal onto the R drive so other CCFL colleagues can use it as an example and resource when they are submitting their own proposal to NIGMM down the road.
In order to make this a more useful resource, please use the title of the granting agency or foundation within the file name. It would also be helpful to indicate somewhere if the proposal was funded or not. Furthermore, you could also upload the reviews or reasons on why the proposal was not funded if you are comfortable in doing so. In addition, please feel free to redact salaries and/or not include budgets. We could probably include subfolders and such if we get enough proposals in there. If anyone is inclined to organize the folder, please do so.
Thank you to Megan Paul for setting this up. We hope this will be a resource that aids efficiency and makes us an even greater force for good!