The Nebraska Educator
Call for Submissions
Deadline for submission: February 15th, 2017
The Nebraska Educator is an open access, peer-reviewed journal serving graduate students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Our journal is dedicated to providing an outlet for educational researchers to share their findings and to further the field’s understanding of the reality of education and schooling, from childhood through adult education. Additionally, we serve advanced students at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln (UNL) hoping to become more educated about the publication process.
The Nebraska Educator is produced by UNL graduate students and publishes research on a variety of topics related to education and learning (e.g., teacher training, learning interventions, experiences of international students, etc.). Manuscripts may be based on (1) empirical, (2) theoretical/conceptual, (3) reflections on the field, or (4) practitioner based work. This is also an opportunity to submit a class paper that has publication potential!
Looking for professional development opportunities?
In addition to submitting original work, graduate students are encouraged to inquire about positions as an external reviewer for our journal (contact: nebeducator@unl.edu).
Submission Guidelines
Please consider submitting your work to The Nebraska Educator, using the following format:
Cover page
o Title (10 words or less)
o Abstract (150-250 words with up to five suggested key words)
o Genre (choose one): Practitioner, Theoretical/Conceptual, Empirical
Total manuscript (7500 words or less)
APA style
Permissions if using images
Proof of IRB approval if research involves human subjects for empirically based research
File saved as one document in Word format (.doc or .docx)
Please submit online using: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nebeducator/ (Left-hand column under ‘Author Corner’—Click on ‘Submit your paper or article’)
Editor-in-Chief: Abe Flanigan nebeducator@unl.edu
Editorial Board Members: Sarah McBrien, Markeya Peteranetz, Shuling Yang, Zoe Falls, Carin Appleget, and Lyrica Lucas http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nebeducator/