Center on Children, Families, and the Law

Project Update: EDN/IFSP

ChildrenWhat's going on?! This week, we will learn about the Early Development Network (EDN)
and Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) project. Thank you, Charlie Lewis, for answering the following questions about your project. Continue reading…


QIC-WD Celebration Announcement

Celebration AnnouncementThe University is holding a "celebration" announcement for Michelle Graef and her team's new grant project, Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development. The event will take place on Tuesday, December 13th at 10:30am at the Van Brunt Visitor's Center on city campus. Continue reading…


CCFL Cookie Exchange

CookiesCCFL Cookie Exchange~
Wednesday, December 21st at 10:00am~
10th Floor Conference Room~

Bring in your favorite Holiday cookies, bars, or treats and exchange them for a variety of other home-made treats by your fellow bakers. Continue reading…


CCFL Retreat! Bring a hat!

retreatWe will be gathering together for our CCFL-wide retreat on April 28th from 8 am to 5 pm. As part of a CCFL tradition, please bring a hat that is meaningful to you. If you do not have or bring a hat, Kathy will be happy to supply one for you! We will supply maps next week.

Originally published December 12, 2016 - Submit an Item